Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Just Keep Spinning, Just Keep Spinning.....

“Just keep spinning, just keep spinning….”  That makes me think of Dory, the cute little blue fish in the animated movie, Finding Nemo.  What was that, you say?  She says what?  Ohhhh, Dory says, “Just keep SWIMMING!”  Well, that makes more sense since she is a fish! 

Actually….I know she says “swimming.”  I love this movie and especially get tickled by Ellen Degeneres’ voice for this funny, ditzy character.  But for a short-term-memory-challenged little blue fish, her words are actually quite wise and profound, aren’t they?  “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming,” is saying……don’t give up…..don’t get discouraged…..keep your head up and your eye locked on your goal….if your way is dark or scary (or bombarded with “jellies”) – trust, have faith, keep putting one foot in front of the other!  I have needed to hear that this Fall. 

Why are you in despair, O my soul?  And why have you become disturbed within me?  Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence.                                                                           ~  Psalm 42:5

This September 4th was the last time I posted a story here, and two days earlier I had just waved goodbye to my 23-year-old daughter, Holly, who moved to Chicago to work on her Master’s degree in social work.  Then two days later, on September 6th, still wiping tears from my eyes, I stepped into my own very first graduate school class at Seminary of the Southwest, here in Austin.  What a privilege and a miraculous gift from the LORD to begin the path of earning my Master’s in counseling.  Yet I have been taking four Seminary classes these last three months, with their accompanying whirlwind of reading, papers, tests, more reading, projects, presentations, and reading…..always more reading.  I literally have had TWENTY books to read this Fall!  And I haven’t done this school thing for a few years….well 31, if you must know….and I have been deeply challenged and yet totally determined, committed to doing my best and learning what I need to learn, not only to make the most of this incredible opportunity, but also so that I will be prepared and trained to work as a counselor at the other end of this. 

So here is where I got the idea of the “spinning,” version of Dory’s philosophy – this famous act from the Ed Sullivan show that I saw for the first time when I was a little girl, the stuntman frantically tending to first one swirling, teetering plate then the next, accompanied of course by the frenetic “Sabre Dance” music.  I can truly relate to this, can you?

So when you are faced with many things pulling at you, do you just swim through easily and peacefully or do you feel more like you are caught in this circus trick?  In my life, I unfortunately seem to think I need to be this guy, leaping frantically from one demand to the other, striving to keep all the plates spinning.....   And what does God say about that?   STOP IT!  Actually, that is not a Bible verse, but this is:

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.                            ~  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Stress, demands, financial crisis, so many spinning plates…..be joyful, be thankful???  Yes!  And also this:

Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him.                       ~  Psalm 37:7

Patience.  Hum.  Not a trait that comes naturally for me.  Yet God says, then let ME fill you with MY Spirit and one of the fruits that will bloom in you is patience.   I think we feel we need to grit our teeth and MAKE the fruit appear, and yet God says, “Abide.” 

Abide in Me, and I in you.  As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.  ~  John 15:4

Abide – it means remain, wait, rest, live in.  And what is the fruit that God promises if we abide in Him? 

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.                     ~  Galatians 5:22 

Wow!  Is this even when we have prayers that we are waiting and waiting for an answer?  When we despair of hope?  God says this, continuing on in John 15 ~

If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given to you…. I have told you this so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.                          ~  John 15:7, 11

God knows us so well.  And He knows what moves us, what encourages us, what helps us when we are stressed and overwhelmed.  A touch from Him.  A word.  A glimmer of hope through the trees.  And for me, when I am driving across town to my Seminary class with tears streaming down my cheeks because I am overwhelmed with all the spinning plates and the waiting on prayers for financial provision yet to be answered, God speaks to me through music….a song on the radio. 

Look at the words to this song that so ministered to me this week ~

Strong Enough, by Matthew West

You must
You must think I'm strong
To give me what I'm going through
Well, forgive me
Forgive me if I'm wrong
But this looks like more than I can do
On my own

I know I'm not strong enough to be
Everything that I'm supposed to be
I give up
I'm not strong enough
Hands of mercy won't you cover me
Lord right now I'm asking you to be
Strong enough, strong enough
For both of us

Well maybe
Maybe that's the point
To reach the point of giving up
Cause when I'm finally
Finally at rock bottom
That's when I start looking up
And reaching out

I know I'm not strong enough to be
Everything that I'm supposed to be
I give up
I'm not strong enough
Hands of mercy won't you cover me
Lord right now I'm asking you to be
Strong enough, strong enough

Cause I'm broken down to nothing
But I'm still holding on to one thing
You are God and you are strong when
I am weak

I can do all things through Christ who
Gives me strength
And I don't have to be strong enough

So, I’m listening, LORD.  And I am trying to abide in You always. 

When you are hanging by a thread, you want God to be the One holding the other end.    ~  Me.

Just keep abiding, just keep abiding…..

Click on this link to hear the Strong Enough song.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Let Them Fly

Psychology Today defines the Empty Nest Syndrome as “feelings of depression, sadness and/or grief experienced by parents or caregivers after children come of age and leave their childhood homes." 

At this time of year -- end of August, beginning of September, there are many of us all around the world who are entering into this "Empty Nest" life phase as we send our children off to school -- from Kindergarten to college, and in my case, even graduate school.  My daughter, Holly, my youngest, just left this week to move 1,100 miles away to earn her Master's Degree in Social Work at the University of Chicago.  And I am deep in the grieving stage....  You would think that I already should have adjusted to her being away, since five years ago she left home to attend the University of Texas.  Yet, her living 15 minutes from home is just not the same, I have found.  So, I am now in the club with so many of you who are also suffering, missing your child, wading through the dichotomy of feeling tremendously proud, excited and supportive of their strength and independence, while simultaneously bitterly mourning their departure.    

I honestly have been baffled by the depths of my grief in this, because I truly am so thrilled for her to have this amazing adventure.  But as I research about this syndrome I am relieved to discover that my extreme mood swings and seemingly contradictory emotions are all actually quite textbook and considered “normal” for the situation.  So, if you are dealing with this too, then be comforted that you are not alone, your feelings are understandable, and it will get better!

One of the things that people keep reminding me, and my studying of this has also reiterated – if your child has attained enough independence to move away and begin a life on his or her own, then as a parent you should consider yourself successful.  Our goal is to raise our children so they can walk their own path and achieve their dreams in life.  So I am thankful for that.  

I am deeply grateful that my 23-year-old daughter is also my dear friend; however this very thing at the same time makes her absence seem so unbearable.  She lived back here in our home for the last nine months and now the emptiness is just palpable.  Even The Girls are drooping around sniffing and searching for their Holly. 

Little things remind me of her and then the tears and waterworks will start all over again.  For instance, we both enjoy the habit of eating oatmeal for breakfast, each with half of a sweet, juicy Texas peach cut up over it.  On mornings when I had to get up and leave earlier I would cook enough oatmeal for us both and then leave the other half of the peach on the cutting board for her.  Or she would do the same for me. 

Also, daisies are Holly’s favorite, because she says “daisies are happy flowers,” so I got these for her the other day so she could enjoy them her last week here.   But now that she is gone, these sights just tear at my heart.  And this may sound silly or sappy to you, but for those of you who also had to wave goodbye to a child this Fall, you know exactly what I mean!

So what has helped me get through this?  Well, honestly I’m still IN it so I’m not all the way on the other side yet.  But what has comforted me have been the hugs, calls, cards, even Facebook posts from thoughtful friends and my husband and family.  I have also had to force myself regularly to think of my “Ten Things” (see my story from June 10), focusing on all the many blessings that I do have to be thankful for in this scenario.  Also, per the recommendations in the Psychology Today article, we must make plans for how to occupy our “empty nest” time, so I will be teaching my Fall Women’s Bible Study class at our church, continuing to sing in our Praise Team, and then there is the other little detail that I am starting MY graduate school next Tuesday.   

But also, promises from God like these give comfort and renewed hope to our souls ~

The righteous cry out and the LORD hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles.  The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.                                                                       ~ Psalm 34:17-18

The LORD will surely comfort Zion and will look with compassion on all her ruins.  He will make her deserts like Eden and her wastelands like the garden of the LORD.  Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the sound of singing.                                                                      ~  Isaiah 51:3

One of my friends posted on my Facebook page, “Ellen, we have to let them fly!”  And when I was still drowning in my puddle of grief, I wasn’t quite ready for that advice.  And yet I am familiar with that saying and am slowly beginning to accept the wisdom of it.  My head agrees, my heart is just dragging a little in catching up….

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven…… a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.                                                                                             ~  Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4

On June 12, 1988, in the final days of my second pregnancy, I was in the worship service at Bannockburn Baptist Church here in Austin.  As is the Baptist custom, there was a closing song and an invitation for anyone who wanted to come forward, and God spoke to me very clearly at that moment.  I knew that the birth of my baby would occur very soon and God inspired me to get up and walk to the front during that song.  The pastor asked me what I needed and I told him I wanted to “dedicate my baby to the LORD.”  So he said a prayer with me and then when the music ended he announced to the whole congregation my commitment.   Holly entered the world two days later, June 14, 1988.  So from before she was even born she was dedicated to the LORD, and then within just a few years she gave her own heart to Him as well.  Now she is convinced that moving to Chicago is God’s plan for her next steps in life and so I also need to trust that He will be there with her, protecting, teaching, strengthening, and guiding her.   She is dedicated to Him, in any case.

For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.   All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.                            ~  Psalm 139:13-14, 16

So what is the advice for the empty nest syndrome?  “Let them fly.”  Flying is what Holly is doing, and the same may be true for your children.  And for those of us left behind watching our little precious bird soaring farther and farther in the distance, we just have to remember that God is with them.  And where God is, there is joy.  So let us trust Him with them.  And know that our aching hearts will heal a little bit each day.  Sigh.

Where can I go from Your Spirit?  Where can I flee from Your presence?  If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast.                                                                                                                 ~  Psalm 139:7, 9-10

As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.    ~  Isaiah 66:13

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Singing in the Shadow

Some mountains have not just one but two peaks; we find that where there is light there is also shadow; and sometimes we receive a miraculous answer to one impossible situation, only to realize that there is still another part of it left to solve.  

The Bible tells us the story of how the Israelites were in just such a predicament.  You probably remember this saga.  The Israelite people, led by Moses, witnessed God orchestrating their amazing and supernatural release from their long years of brutal captivity in Egypt, only to discover that the Red Sea blocked their path and violent Egyptian soldiers were quickly closing in behind them.  So what did God do?  He miraculously parted the waters and they walked through to safety, then He crashed the walls of water closed to wash away their enemy and ensure their freedom.  You would think they would never doubt God again after experiencing such spectacular rescues! 

And then they continued to journey toward the land that God had promised to give them and found every need provided for – manna literally falling from heaven each morning for them to eat, water cascading out of a rock to slake their thirst, and even quail were patiently provided when they complained about being tired of the manna.  God proved Himself over and over that He was faithful to His promises.  He could be counted on to come through.  And yet….

The weary travelers finally arrived at the very brink of the land of Canaan, the land God had promised that He would give them as their new home.  But they sent a scouting expedition over to explore and bring back a report, and when most of the scouts returned downcast with a spirit of fearfulness and negativity, and announced that “there are giants there,” again the Israelites doubted God’s power and ability to provide what He had promised. 

You know, I have heard and read that story my whole life and my reaction has almost always been, “Man, WHAT was the matter with those Israelite people?  HOW could they see with their own eyes that God over and over was taking care of them and providing absolutely spectacular miracles for them, and yet whenever there was another obstacle, they doubted all over again!”

I hate to admit it, but now I can understand them in a way, and I even see myself succumbing to a similar dilemma.  Sometimes we experience God answering prayer and opening doors, providing, solving, repairing, healing, and we are so grateful and we praise Him with our whole heart.  But then another predicament presents itself and if we are not careful to recall His past works, not only in the Bible times but especially in our own life, we can be like those Israelites and feel fears and doubts all over again. 

So what is the solution?  To remember!

I will remember the deeds of the LORD, yes I will remember your miracles of long ago.  I will meditate on all Your works and consider all Your mighty deeds.  Your ways, O God, are holy.  What god is so great as our God?  You are the God who performs miracles.  You display your power among the peoples.    
                                                                                                                              ~  Psalm 77:11-14

Instead of focusing on our new problem, if we will turn and look toward God, remembering all the ways He has rescued us in the past, we will see that He is Light and the shadow of our difficulty will fall behind us. 

You are my lamp, O LORD.  You turn my darkness into light. 
               ~ 2 Samuel 22:29

Who among you fears the LORD and obeys the word of His servant?  Let him who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the LORD and rely on his God. 
                         ~ Isaiah 50:10 

Jesus said, ‘I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.’                                          ~ John 8:12

So 2011 has been the year of spectacular crises in my personal life with also mind-blowing rescues and miraculous provisions from God each and every time.  In January I fell down the stairs at my home, broke my collarbone and smashed my head, only to emerge with a remarkable and amazing recovery.  God is the Great Protector and Healer.  Just a few weeks later, in March, I lost my job and plunged into four months of floundering and searching, only to wake up on July 6th with a clear and unmistakably divine solution:  “Don’t get another job, get your Master’s degree in Counseling.”  So only three weeks later I was accepted into St. Edward’s University AND Seminary of the Southwest.   God is the Great Guide and Door-Opener. 

Even so. Enter the “Israelite Syndrome."  I can recount these specific incidences in my life where God the Father has DIRECTLY ministered to me, answered prayer, provided for me in supernatural ways, and I am humbled, grateful and deeply moved by His mercy and generosity to me.  And yet…..the shadow.  There is still an unsolved chapter.  I have taken this leap of faith to enroll in the Seminary and have felt the thrill of joy and anticipation……right up until I remember that somehow we have to PAY for this privilege.  The financial obligations are looming now like those giants in the Promised Land.  I SO much want to have faith that the money will come in somehow, some way, that God will provide, but it is ANOTHER one of those situations that just looks IMPOSSIBLE.  The money is not there.  The numbers don’t add up.  So here I am, back in the shadow of yet another lesson of faith – of waiting, trusting, trying to have hope that AGAIN God will come through.  The Seminary awarded me with an incredibly generous tuition grant and now God is asking me to trust Him that He will provide the rest. 

Of those Israelite scouts that brought back the reports about Canaan – there were TWO, Joshua and Caleb, who came back saying, “Yes, the enemies in this land are big, but we have the God of the Universe on our side and we can DO this!”  And guess what – THEY are the only ones who got to cross over into the land in the end.  Because they believed! 

So when we are looking at a problem and it seems like “there are giants in the land,” or we can’t see the end of the road, and the storm clouds cast shadows over our path, what do we need to do? 


Because You are my help, I sing in the shadow of Your wings. 
                                                                                                                               ~  Psalm 63:7

My husband Gary and I sing in our praise team at our church and when I get to rehearsal on Wednesday night sometimes my mood is down or burdened, or I feel battle-scarred by the demands of the day.  Yet, it only takes one or two songs and just the mere act of singing praises to God, even when I don’t feel like it, washes over me like a gentle shower and fills me with a renewed hope, a refreshing touch of His Spirit, healing, comforting, strengthening me.  The problems out there didn’t change during our rehearsal, but my heart did.    

We need to lighten our hearts and trust Him to come through – just as He always has before.  We need to sing in the shadow!  And guess what – sometimes the shadow is made not because of storm clouds but because God Himself is protecting us, shielding us, and His wings are what has created the shadow around us.

Photo: Jason Franscon / The Canadian Press, Edmonton Sun

He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge.  His truth is your shield and armor. 
                                                                                                                                ~  Psalm 91:4

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Leeaap of Faith!

Do you have a lifelong dream that you maybe didn’t get the chance to pursue?  Do you have a yearning deep inside to do something or accomplish something, and yet all you can see are barricades and detours and signs that say “Impossible”?

I sure have.  Years ago….decades ago….I felt a call from God to go into the ministry.  So when I got to the University of Texas I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and had every intention of continuing immediately on to seminary to pursue a career in counseling or Christian education.  But you know sometimes how “life happens,” and by the time I was walking across the stage to receive my diploma I also had an engagement ring sparkling on my finger and wedding plans swirling in my head.  So my next step after college was to get a job, any job, purely for financial survival as a young newlywed helping her husband finish his degree.  Soon children came along and parenting with all its joys and demands.  But every once in awhile through the years would come the memories of my original plan and then wistful wonderings of “What if?”  And yet, there was always a mountain of reasons why it couldn’t happen.

And in the meantime, what about the calling from God to the ministry?  I have sincerely tried to follow that leading, but it always has been manifest in a volunteer capacity.  And yet, God says this --   

Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass.                          
                                                                                                        ~  1 Thessalonians 5:24

But 2011 came crashing in and brought an unprecedented time of trial into my life, an attention-grabbing series of life-altering events, and I was flung head first into a season of reflection and reevaluation; a siege of searching, wondering, and seeking God’s plan for my path.  

I sought the LORD and He answered me, and delivered me from all my fears.          ~ Psalm 34:4

I have a pink sticky note that I wrote on the day I lost my job with a list of five specific prayer requests which I lifted up to God in my first hours of terror and desperation.  That sticky note is still posted on my desk by my computer and I pray over it every time I look at it.  The last two petitions to the Lord say, “Open a door” and “Make this a blessing.”

Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart.           ~ Psalm 37:4

So, on the morning of July 6, 2011, I awoke to the very clear and insistent leading from that voice, His voice, saying, “You should get your Master’s degree.”  “WHAT?  How in the WORLD can I even consider that when I need to be bringing money IN rather than funneling more OUT!”  But even so, the thought did cause a thrill to shoot through me – could it be?  Could this be my solution, could realizing my lifelong dream be God’s leading – His answer to my prayers beseeching Him to open a door and make this (crisis) a blessing?

But how? Where? What will be the outcome?  A barrage of questions flooded in and yet, I was reminded of the story in Genesis of how God called Abraham to leave his home, pack up his family and his belongings and move “to a land that I will show you.”  God didn’t tell Abraham where he was supposed to go, but he was just to obey, take one step at a time, have faith, and trust that God would show him the rest as the time was right! 

And also many others of God’s promises have come to me during these last weeks, such as these –

Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm.  Nothing is too hard for you.                    ~  Jeremiah 32:17

God will supply all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.                   ~ Philippians 4:19

Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’                          ~  Matthew 19:26

So I stepped out.  No, I LEAPED out.  For the last three and a half weeks I have been immersed in researching degree plans, filling out admissions applications and financial aid paperwork, writing admissions essays and autobiographies, soliciting letters of reference, obtaining certified transcripts from the University of Texas, even taking an admissions test.  I have also visited schools in person – St. Edwards, Texas State, and one I had not heard of before, Seminary of the Southwest; all the while fighting against the doubts and fears that I was stumbling into the realm of the impossible, getting my hopes up that I could finally return to my path of so long ago, only to have the way closed again. 

And yet, every time I would open my Bible I would come across more verses like this ~

I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move.  Nothing will be impossible for you.
                            ~  Matthew 17:20

And then it dawned on me – getting my Master’s degree, that was not MY idea but God’s!   So if He is going to tell me to do this, then He will make the way for me – from getting me admitted INTO the school, to providing for the financial demands as well. 

Then Job replied to the LORD:  ‘I know that you can do all things; no plan of Yours can be thwarted.’      ~  Job 42:2

Seminary of the Southwest, Austin, Texas

So my big, amazing, earth-shattering news is that today, August 2, 2011, I was accepted as a graduate student at the Seminary of the Southwest to begin the path of earning my Master’s degree in Counseling!

God has opened the door wide and I have walked through! 

O LORD, save us, O LORD grant us success.   ~  Psalm 118:23

So the time of waiting is over.  The season of living in the “Not-Knowing” has ended.  The door has been flung wide open and my path revealed.  And I am humbled.  I am in awe.  I am so grateful.  And I am about to POP I’m so excited!!!! 

I love how God always seems to work music into exactly what is happening in my life.  Here are the words to the Vacation Bible School song that our Children’s Director has asked for our Praise Team to work up and sing THIS SUNDAY.  It has become the song of my soul, and it can be for yours, too.  So as you read the lyrics below, think of YOUR dream, your unmet longing, and see if you can sing these words to God and let Him, the God of the impossible, the God of new hope, give you a new beginning, too.


I’m casting my cares aside
I’m leaving my past behind
I’m setting my heart and mind on You, Jesus

I’m reaching my hand to Yours
Believing there’s so much more
Knowing that all You have in store for me is good, it’s good.

Today is the day You have made
I will rejoice and be glad in it
And I won’t worry about tomorrow
I’m trusting in what You say
Today is the day

I’m putting my fears aside
I’m leaving my doubts behind
I’m giving my hopes and dreams to You, Jesus

I’m reaching my hand to Yours
Believing there’s so much more
Knowing that all You have in store for me is good, it’s good.

I will stand upon Your Truth
All my days I’ll live for You

Words and music by Lincoln Brewster and Paul Baloche 2008

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!  Amen.       ~ Ephesians 3:20-21

Listen.   Trust.    Follow.