Saturday, April 23, 2011

What? Give up coffee for how long?

So, I gave up coffee for Lent.  Yes….coffee.   Now there may be some of you whose reaction is, “So.  That’s not a big deal.”  But I know a lot more of you who have said to me, “No way! I couldn’t possibly do that.  That would be dangerous….I can’t even function until I have my morning coffee!” 

Well, for me, I am a little bit of a late bloomer with the whole coffee scene but I certainly have grown attached to my mid-morning cup…. And my REAL relationship with coffee started out of self-defense – as a late-night medical transcriptionist I needed SOMETHING to protect my face from permanent disfigurement from nodding off at the computer keyboard!  So, my evening coffee has been sorely missed during this Lenten sacrifice. 

I do have to come clean that I still am an embarrassment to my friends who invite me to Starbucks because I stubbornly refuse to embrace why the smallest cup of coffee would be labeled a “Tall,” and seriously, what is a Venti?  Also, other purists would remind me that since instead of cream or sugar I flavor my coffee with a hot chocolate mix, I am ruining the whole coffee experience.  And my answer?  “Hello….Coffee Mocha!”

Anyway, giving up coffee for Lent.  It hasn’t been easy.  I didn’t even originally plan to follow a Lenten fast.  In the different denominations I have participated in, the “what are you giving up for Lent?” question wasn’t mentioned often.  But this year on Ash Wednesday, March 9th, I was just innocently sitting in our church Sanctuary and peacefully listening to our young, dynamic Associate Pastor, Dan Harrington, give the meditation.  But it is this whole “listening to God” thing that I have been trying to do.   Right before we were to walk to the front to have the ashes drawn in a cross pattern on our foreheads I distinctly heard that thought come to me, “Give up coffee for Lent.”  After a brief inner struggle, I consented to God’s leading.   I took my place in line, Dan applied the ashes, I walked back to my office and poured out the cup of coffee that was on my desk and have not had any since. 

And it has been hard.  I would describe it as a SACRIFICE…..which is the whole point, of course.   But in reflecting about the idea of us depriving ourselves of something for 40 days, the same period of time that Jesus was fasting in the wilderness, I am stung with the realization that nothing we could ever give up can come near the depth of sacrifice God made in giving the life of His Son for us.  That is humbling.  Awe-inspiring.  And He deserves my utmost gratitude and devotion in return. 

Still, I must admit, I have been looking forward to Easter because my coffee-less siege will at last be over.  But my tiny, silly little sacrifice has done its work in my heart in reminding me of Christ’s amazing love for me – and you – that He would give His life so that we would have the chance for life with Him forever! 

Easter means so many things – Sacrifice. Resurrection.  Renewal.  Restoration.   

So, let’s celebrate tomorrow!  Easter blessings to you.

For great is His love for us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever.  Praise the LORD!  ~ Psalm 117:2

For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.  ~ John 3:16

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