Saturday, June 4, 2011

Yeah, It's For Real!

I just finished reading a wonderful book, Heaven Is For Real  by Todd Burpo about his 3-year-old son Colton who during a life-threatening surgery for a burst appendix took a trip to heaven and came back to tell us all about it.  For real!  Colton was able to describe to his parents in detail what they were doing and where they were in the hospital while his surgery was taking place, something he never could have known outside of having an out-of-body spiritual experience.  He also recognized in a photo his great-grandfather whom he had never seen in life but insisted that he met and got to know in heaven.  The book is packed with amazing and fascinating eye-witness accounts told by this young boy in his childlike, honest and straightforward viewpoint.   He even gives clear descriptions of actually meeting God, “He’s really, really BIG!” and Jesus, the angels, and even other family members who had already died on earth but were there to greet him.   
This special little boy also described something else very interesting that he saw in his experience of visiting that angelic place.  He specifically depicts that all the people in heaven have “a light above their head.”   Colton’s preschool vocabulary at the time did not include the word “halo” yet but he was adamant about this heavenly detail.   Wow.  So inspiring!

And see, the funny thing is, have you ever noticed that God has you read something in the exact timing that you need it?  I have had that book since the middle of April but just now took the time to read it Memorial weekend.  God knew it was exactly the kind of encouragement I would need right now in the midst of this ongoing fear looming over our finances and my job searching.  And this journey has included not only those outward struggles but, as I described in the previous story about The Thief, the actual outright spiritual attack that can be waged against us, especially when we are vulnerable, an assault that I have felt personally on and off these last weeks since losing my job.    

So I woke up this Wednesday feeling particularly discouraged and battle-scarred from fending off the waves of anxiousness and powerlessness over this siege of not finding a job.  But the words to this old hymn flowed into my mind like the aroma of fresh coffee brewing and soothed my soul ~

All hail the power of Jesus' name!
Let angels prostrate fall.
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown Him Lord of all.
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown Him Lord of all!

"Let angels prostrate fall....."  I should try that.  So I actually laid down flat on my bedroom rug (not all that comfortable a position anymore) but still, actually a very humbling and healing way to pray, I discovered.  I said things like, "God please help me.  I really need you right now.  Please give me your encouragement -- give me a touch from you."

I got up feeling the burden having lifted a little so I got ready and went to Jazzercise class.  I was exercising in the back row, as is my habit, with the glass doors to the gym behind me, the morning sunlight cascading through the doorway.  My mind wandered back to the images of heaven I had read about in the little book when suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by an exclamation from Deanna, the Jazzercise instructor, who was in the middle of leading a roomful of ladies in a lively aerobics routine.  "ELLEN!  YOU LOOK LIKE YOU HAVE A HALO OVER YOUR HEAD!"
Coincidence?  No way.  Did I truly have a halo over my head?  No, the light from the doorway was casting a glow.  But the fact that she said that to me from the stage, in front of an entire Jazzercise class full of other ladies, when I had JUST read that book and then JUST asked God for encouragement....

I smiled throughout the rest of the class, marveling at a God who gives a little boy a glimpse of eternity, and who gave me yet another direct example of His ability to weave every detail together into a message of His love and power.

For God causes all things to work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.              ~  Romans 8:28


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!
    I got this book on tape and my Colton has it right now. Can't wait to "read" it.
    What a great story of God's intimate personal touch. So encouraging! Thanks, Ellenita

  2. Awesome and inspiring, as always. Good use of pics and illustrations. Dontcha' just love those God moments?
