Monday, May 9, 2011

Races With WHAT Kind of Dogs?

Okay, there is an internationally famous race and it is right in our neck of the woods.  Yes, Buda, Texas.  Last weekend was the 14th Annual Buda WIENER DOG RACES!  I had the audacity to miss them this year because I was jet-setting to Colorado for the “Captivating” Retreat…. But others were jetting to Buda, Texas, dachshunds in tow, to compete with the hopeful, the long, the four-legged, the squat-but-fast Weiner dogs in hopes of winning, yes a trophy, but so much more important – bragging rights! 
Why, you may ask, do I sound so knowledgeable about this strange and sort of silly-sounding event?  Because, my friends, my Annie is a racer!  And not just any “thank-you-for-participating” wiener dog, but an almost-champion!  The past four years in a row this petite unassuming lovable little canine has twice gone all the way to semi-finals and twice to finals!  And this is no small feat (ha!) considering that the field of dachshunds starts with literally hundreds and by the final races there are only 14 still in the running. 

Gary and I entered her for the first time back in 2007 because we thought it would be funny – and it is, but we had NO idea that she would win….and then win again….and keep winning!  People ask, “Do you train with her?”  Oh my gosh, of course not.  We do take her on walks around the neighborhood, but this is all just her.  We were even interviewed for the local news station a couple of years ago, and when the reporter posed the question, “Why do you think Annie keeps winning?” the revelation that came to me on the spot was, “Annie runs so fast to us because she just can’t stand to be apart from us.” 

If you are having a hard time imagining what in the world I am talking about, let me give you a few details to go with these photos.  The doggies are assigned seven to a race and are staged in a specially-designed box divided into seven separate cages whose metal fronts are lifted with a big lever all at once, releasing all seven barking, pawing four-legged racers into the grassy lanes at the same moment.   Some shoot out of their captivity like a rocket, but others upon release amiably stroll around enjoying the sights and smells, completely heedless to their “handler” at the finish line squeaking favorite toys, clapping, jumping up and down and calling their name.   Of course, those are the race heats that provide the most comic relief!

I have to say though, one thing that always amazes me about these races is this -- amid the wild din of cheering crowds, the whistling and calling, the squeaking rubber balls and bones, and of course, various octaves of barking…..the dogs can sift through all of that and find their own master.  And it occurs to me that for us humans, in the midst of stresses, pressures, deadlines, decisions, heartaches, and the incessant press of the world, can we still hear our Master’s voice clearly? 

The sheep hear His voice, and He calls His own sheep by name, and leads them out.  He goes before them, and the sheep follow Him because they know His voice.  And a stranger they simply will not follow, but will flee from him, because they do not know the voice of strangers.

[Jesus says], ‘I am the Good Shepherd; and I know My own, and My own know Me.    ~ John 10:3-4, 14

Also, the reason that I believe Annie wins is that she is passionate with every inch of her wiener dog heart and soul that to be safe and happy is to be WITH us.  She cannot STAND to be separated from us.  And again….is this how we are with OUR Master?

For behold, those who are far from You will perish.  But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the LORD God my refuge, that I may tell of all Your works.  ~ Psalm 73:27-28

So let us draw near to Him, let us run to Him as if we just can’t stand to be apart from Him!  And then we will win our races, just like Miss Annie.

Therefore since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.  For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you may not grow weary and lose heart.   ~  Hebrews 12:1-4


  1. Oh my goodness!!!!! We are in the presence of a champion, can't wait to forward this to my daughter in law, we miss their precious Frannie so much!! And of course your analogy was right on and our precious pets can shame us with their devotion, made me cry to see such love expressed and how sad but true that we humans don't give our Precious Lord the same devotion. Keep writing Ellen, so love your insight...HUGS TO ANNIE AND YOU!!!!!!!!

  2. wonderful Bellen! Great Analogy!
