Thursday, April 21, 2011

Step Toward Your Dreams

Do you have a dream?  Do you have an idea of something you would like to do “someday” and yet haven’t actually taken steps toward accomplishing it?  Yes?  Well, I am here to encourage you, then. 

See the official address of my blog?  There is a story behind how I chose that name, or I should say how God led me to it.  And it ties in to my having a dream, actually lifelong, and I finally did something about it……12 years ago! 

Let me back up….So two weeks ago I became lighter by one job and so the door was opened for me to have more time.  And God kept whispering, prompting, prodding, “Write a blog.”  So in my considerations of actually following through on this guiding I began to toss around ideas of what to call it.  “It has to be catchy, original, and say something about me.”  Then I would have a total brainstorm.  “That’s IT!”  A thrill of anticipation would shoot through me.  I love it.  It’s perfect.  It’s clever.  It describes my passion, the direction I feel I have been heading in teaching my women’s studies.  It’s…….ALREADY TAKEN!  Over and over again this was happening.  Between Blogspot, Facebook, Twitter, and even entire websites, every idea I came up with was a “been there, done that” flop of an idea.  The clincher was when I finally gave up and decided to just go with my own name….and ELLEN CARPENTER was already taken!! 

“Lord, WHY would you give me this idea only for me to be thwarted at every turn?  Seriously.”  I went to bed Friday night April 17th with a discouraged heart….for about five minutes.  Then I bolted upright in the dark in bed.  God was comforting me gently, “Ellen, you ALREADY have the name to use for your blog site.”  I hurried to my computer and typed in the logo I had been working under, my d/b/a for my transcription business, added the word “ministries” to it…..and WordWays Ministries was born and became my official blog address! 

God knew all along that this would work out.  And yes, TWELVE years ago I had just reentered the workforce, after over a decade of being a stay-at-home Mom, and was working for a corporate law attorney.  In his practice he helped clients start new businesses and with his training I learned how to file the proper paperwork, which included an “Assumed Name Certificate” for their chosen new business name.  After working through this process many, many times for his clients, the seed was planted.  “I want an official business name, too.”  I was already doing a little bit of medical transcription on the weekends to make extra money and all my life I had dreamed of writing….  So the idea began to grow.   “I know how to process this now, I could choose a name and register it and then one day when I am ready to start my own business of medical transcription or even write a book -- I will already have an official logo.”   So I have a file-stamped Assumed Name Certificate dated October 4, 1999 for the name “WordWays.” 

Do you have a dream?  It is not too late to take that first step.  God promises us ~ 

Delight yourself in the LORD,
And He will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the LORD,
Trust also in Him and He will do it.

~ Psalm 37:4-5

So, let me know how it goes for you!


1 comment:

  1. You are so funny and clever Missie. I read your story and it was like your voice in my head reading it to so Awesome. You sound so excited. I love it. May the Lord bless you in this. Love ya!
